Tatt av Nora Engevold ©




Takk til alle som har fulgt meg her! Det har vært superhyggelig!

Alle tidligere oppskrifter og alle fremtidige vil nå komme på den nye siden:





I’m a young girl named Nora who lives in Oslo, Norway. Studying to be an archivist/records manager. Lives with my It-and Metro driving – guy, also known as «pus».I  also love to make and eat food, drink beer/wine and play video games.

In the menu bar above I hope you will find a lot of exciting stuff you’ll need. You’ll find a variety of low carb recipes, amongst other things. These are all tried out by me, and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I am. I started on low carb 2nd of January 2016, and still rollin’. I’ll post the recipes in english at the end of every post.

Under the category named «Tankespinn» I will post thoughts about life, complaining about life, and stuff I’m angry about. Also my progress in the low carb world. (These posts will only be in norwegian. For now.)
